Citizen of Kazakhstan Republic Date of birth: 09/10/1994 Nationality: Kazakhstan E-mail: polina.shakula@mail.ru Web-site: www.wildnature-kz.narod.ru Phone/fax: +7 72538 55 582 |
Place of birth: Aksu-Jabagly State Nature Reserve; 14, Taldybulak Street, Jabagly
Village, Tulkubas District, South Kazakhstan Area, Kazakhstan Republic,
Languages: Kazakh, Russian (both native), English (advanced)
Address: Aksu-Jabagly State Nature Reserve; 14, Taldybulak Street, Jabagly Village,
Tulkubas District, South Kazakhstan Area, Kazakhstan Republic, 161310.
Currently I am the second year student in Magistracy of Journalism, Communication and Media Education Institute of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia
Graduated from Baccalaureate of Institute of Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia in 2016. The Dissertation Title is «Influence of Internet communications and social networks on the speech culture of youth».
Graduated from the High School named after Shevzov in Tulkubas Vill., Kazakhstan in 2011.
Additional education:
Graduated from Germany Classes of Center for Foreign Languages «Welcome» in 2015;
Graduated from Verona Models School in 2013 г;
Graduated from Latina and Zumba Dancing Classes in 2012.
Since 2011 to present: Community Based Tourism Manager in Wild Nature NGO (seasonally – 3 months per year);
Since 2016 to present: Cell phone sales manager (underemployment);
2012-2017: Guide in the Biological Darwin Museum;
2014: Tutor in Russian literature;
2012: Assistant photographer in children's photo studio;
2012: Assistant of Costume Designer at the Mosfilm Studios;
2011: Cook in the mountaineering camp (for 1 month).
Fluent English;
Work experience in the International Community Based Tourism Team as a youth leader
Computer user (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.);
Drawing and Painting;
Driving license category BC;
II Sport Category in mountaineering.
Participation in International Internship and Conferences:
Internship at the Vesuvian International Institute of Archaeological and Humanitarian Studies, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy, 4-11 October 2017.
International Youth Forum: Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Road. Changsha and Quanzhou, China, 17-22 April 2017.
24th Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 14-16/03/2017.
International Forum of Journalists «Dialogue of Cultures». St. Petersburg, Russia. 22-23/11/2016.
International Ornithological Conference «Birds and Agriculture: Current Status, Problem and Prospects of Study». Moscow. Russia. 17-18/11/2016. Presentation.
23th Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 23-26/03/2016.
International Conference «Marmots of Eurasia». Moscow. Russia. 11-15/03/2015. Presentation.
22nd Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 24-27/03/2015.
21st Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 23-26/03/2014.
Second International Scientific and Practical Conference «Children, youth and the environment: health, education, ecology», Barnaul, Russia, July 2013.
The Eight International Meeting of European Environmental Sciences Student Association (EURENSSA). Foca. Turkey. 01-08/07/2013.
20th Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 21-24/03/2013.
19th Moscow International Tourism&Travel Fair (MITT). Russia. 23-26/03/2012.
The Tenth Kazakhstan International Tourism&Travel Fair (KITF). Almaty. 23-26/03/2010.
Membership in Societies:
Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Kazakhstan since 2011
Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK) since 2011
Wild Nature Kazakhstan NGO since 2011
Professional interests:
Russian Language and Literature
Community Based Tourism Management and Biodiversity Conservation
Hobby: arts and drawing, wildlife photography, mountaineering,
cooking and services, reading, dancing and music
Personality: calm, reliable, responsible, studious
Шакула П.В. Гармония человека и природы в творчестве Чингиза Айтматова. В Сборнике Трудов Международного Симпозиума «Экологическая культура, образование в области защиты живой природы», Бишкек - Иссык-Куль, 10-12 октября 2013 г.
Шакула П.В. Лирика И. Бродского и ее влияние на современное мировоззрение молодежи. В Тезисах докладов Международной научной конференции «Молодые ученые - объединяющая сила мировой науки и культуры», Ашхабад, 3-6 сентября 2013 г.
Шакула П.В., Шакула Ф.В. Опыт организации детско-юношеских экологических лагерей в Южном Казахстане. Материалы Второй Международной научно-практической конференции «Дети, молодежь и окружающая среда: здоровье, образование, экология», Барнаул, 5-19 июля 2013 г., с.148.
Шакула П.В. «М.В. Ломоносов: ученый, человек и гражданин». Материалы научно-практической конференции, посвященной 300-летию М.В. Ломоносова «Великий мыслитель русского языка М.В. Ломоносов», Москва-Ярославль, 2012 г. с.91-93.
25 February 2018