Species List of Birds of
by Svetlana Baskakova (Wild
Nature NGO):
and Georgiy Shakula (
Jungaro-Alatau National Park (N 45° 23´, E 80°
35´) was established in
June 2010 on the Northern macroslope of Jungarian range (Northern Tien-Shan).
The total reserved area is 356022 hectars.
The Wild Nature NGO provided the
would like to thank Falko and Silke Von Ameln with their sweet daughers – Kira
and Maya – 2 and 4 years old for the idea to visit the Park, for their
sponsorship and sharing all the weather adversities in this expedition; David Berghof (Stantours Arency) for logistic support and doing permits
to the frontier zone, Sabir Mikhalev – the community based tourism manager in
Lepsinsk and his wife – mathematics school
teacher for perfect local arrangement, Bolatkhan Amankulov – the Park ranger
for his companionship and horses hire, Slava – for the comfortable drive us from
Almaty and back.
Species sequence,
taxonomy and nomenclature follow: Wassink, A & Oreel, G J 2008. The birds
Species List
1. Himalayan Snowcock. Tetraogallus
himalayensis sewerzowi. Гималайский улар: 1 ad -21/07/2010 on high grass slope above the last
honey farm.
2. Common Quail. Coturnix coturnix coturnix. Перепел: 24/07/2010 – noise on the elevation
3. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus
mongolicus. Фазан: 1 bird -21/07/2010 on high grass slope above the last honey farm.
4. Black Kite. Milvus migrans lineatus. Черный коршун: 16/07/2919 – 1 bird was flying in Lepsinsk town and 25/07/2010 – 1
bird was seen in dark coniferous forest
5. Egyptian
Vulture. Neophron
percnopterus percnopterus. Стервятник: 25/07/2010 – 1 bird was seen soaring on Suluk
ridge 1297 m high.
6. Hen Harrier. Circus cyaneus cyaneus. Полевой лунь: 25/07/2010 – 1 female was seen on 2004 m elevation.
7. Northern Goshawk. Accipiter
gentilis schvedowi. Тетеревятник: 25/07/2010 - a
bird attacked Buzzard in the air in dark
coniferous forest zone, 27/07/2010 – agressive behavior to Carrion Crow in
Lepsy river bed next to Lepsinsk town.
8. Eurasian
Sparrowhawk. Accipiter nisus nisus.
Перепелятник: 20/07/2010 – 1 bird flew above the highest homey farm 1270 m high.
9. Common
Buzzard. Buteo buteo
vulpinus. Канюк: 16/07/2010 – 2
birds and 27/07/2010 –
10. Booted Eagle.
11. Golden Eagle.
12. Common
Kestrel. Falco tinunculus
tinunculus. Пустельга: quite common on Suluk upland: 21/07/2010 – 1
bird, 24/07/2010 – 4 birds per day, including one pair, 27/07/2010 – 1 bird in
Lepsinsk and 1 above grassland next to the town.
13. Eurasian
Hobby. Falco subbuteo
subbuteo. Чеглок: common, but not big in number in all zones: 17/07/2010 – 1 bird near by
Jasylkol lake, 23/07/2010 – 1 bird in Suluk upland, 25/07/2010 – caught Sand
Lizard (Lacerta agilis) next to Jolanashka Ranger Station on
14. Common
Sandpiper. Actitis hypoleucos. Перевозчик: 16/07/2010 – 1 bird on Jalanashka river, 17-19/07/2010 – a pair on
Jasylkol lake.
15. Rock Dove.
16. Common Wood Pigeon. Columba palumbus
casiotis. Вяхирь: 27/07/2010 –
one flying bird dropped an excrement capsule down from Jolanashka Ranger
17. Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia
decaocto stoliczkae. Кольчатая горлица: common in Lepsinsk.
18. Western Oriental
Turtle Dove. Streptopelia
orientalis meena. Большая горлица: quite common in forests zones: mentioned
17-19/07/2010 near by Jasylkol lake and 27/07/2010 - 2 flying birds down from Jolanashka
Ranger Station.
19. Laughing Dove. Streptopelia
senegalensis ermanni. Малая горлица: in Lepsinsk.
20. Common Cuckoo. Cuculus canorus subtelephonus. Кукушка: once in Lepsinsk - 27/07/2010.
21. European Scops Owl. Otus scops
pulchellus. Сплюшка: was heard once
25/07/2010 on Jolanashka Ranger Station.
22. Long-eared Owl. Asio
otus otus. Ушастая сова: 1 ad and 2 juv was seen at night 25/07/2010 on Jolanashka Ranger
23. White-winged Woodpecker. Dendrocopus
leucopterus leptorhynchus. Белокрылый дятел: 20/07/2010 – 1 female on dry poplar on
Jasylkol lake.
24. Barn Swallow. Hirundo
rustica rustica. Деревенская ласточка: mentioned in Lepsinsk and on Jolanashka Ranger
25. Common House Martin. Delichon
urbicum urbicum. Городская ласточка: a flock about 20 birds was flying above rocks
24/07/2010 in the evening,
26. Tree Pipit. Anthus trivialis haringtoni. Лесной конек: common breeding bird on the high limit of forest zone: 23/07/2010 – a
bird with food in a bill was seen, 25/07/2010 - another bird with food, total 9
birds per day, including two bathing in a small puddle on rock.
27. Water Pipit. Anthus spinoletta blakistoni. Горный конек: very common subalpine bird, 24/07/2010 – a nest with 3 eggs was
28. Grey Wagtail. Motacilla cinerea melanope. Горная трясогузка: 16/07/2010 – 2 birds on Jolanashka river, 17/07/2010 – on Jasylkol
29. Masked
Wagtail. Motacilla personata personata.
Маскированная трясогузка: 2 birds on Jolanashka Ranger Station.
30. Winter Wren. Troglodytes
troglodytes tianschanicus. Крапивник: common on rocks
in dark coniferous forest surround
Jasylkol lake.
31. Asian Accentor. Prunella fulvescens
fulvescens. Бледная завирушка: 23-25/07/2010 – mentioned in subalpine zone
on Suluk ridge, common on large rocks close to snow patches and juniper
32. Bluethroat. Luscinia svecica tianshanica. Варакушка: 25/07/2010
– 4 birds per day on
33. Redstart. Phoenicurus
phoenicurus phoenicurus. Обыкновенная горихвостка: common in dark coniferous forest zone: 17/07/2010 – 1
bird surround Jasylkol lake, 23/07/2010 – on Suluk ridge on the high limit of
forest zone, 25/07/2010 – singing male,
34. Güldenstädt’s
Redstart. Phoenicurus erythrogaster grandis. Краснобрюхая горихвостка: 24/07/2010 – 1
bird was flushed from Burnet (Sanguisorba) thicket in stream in Juniper brushwood and meadow grassland zone.
35. Siberian
Stonechat. Saxicola maurus maurus.
Черноголовый чекан: 25/07/2010 – more then 60 birds were feeding on Cirsium, Dock (Rumex)
and Burdock (Arctium) on a meadow
36. Northern
Wheatear. Oenanthe oenanthe
oenanthe. Обыкновенная каменка: 21,23,25/07/2010 – very common in subalpine zone close to huge rocks,
in pairs, from 2300 to
37. Mistle Thrush. Turdus
viscivorus bonapartei. Деряба:17/07/2010 –
common in dard coniferous forest zone, male is singing in the evening,
23/07/2010 – 11 birds together in subalpine zone, 25/07/2010 – a pair, one bird
with food in aspen wood below
38. Pallas’s
Grasshopper Warbler. Locustella
certhiola centralasiae. Певчий сверчок or Common Grasshopper Warbler. Locustella naevia straminae. Обыкновенный сверчок: 20/07/2010 – 1 bird in high grass thickets on
40. Common Whitethroat. Sylvia communis
rubicola. Серая славка: 21/07/2010 – 2 birds on Suluk ridge above the
high honey farm, 25/07/2010 – at least 1 bird in a flock of about 60 Siberian
Stonechats and one European Goldfinch feeding on weeds on a meadow
41. Greenish Warbler. Phylloscopus trochiloides viridanus. Зеленая пеночка: 16-19/07/2010 – very common in small-leaved forest along Akhanakty
river and Jasylkol lake, males are singing, 25/07/2010 – very common in juniper
bushes on the level
43. Goldcrest. Regulus regulus
tristis. Королек: 19/07/2010 –
once was seen in the crown of fir-tree (Abies) on Jasylkol lake.
44. Long-tailed Tit. Aegithalos caudatus caudatus. Ополовник: 26/07/2010 - a
small flock in river bed forest on Karbushka river next to Jolanashka Ranger
45. Azure Tit. Cyanistes cyanus
tianschanicus. Белая лазоревка: 16/07/2010 – birds with food, two families
together and Great tit in the same flock – in small-leaved forest along Akhanakty
river, 20/07/2010 – a pair on high homey farm, 26/07/2010 – 6 or 7 birds
surround Jolanashka Ranger Station.
46. Great Tit. Parus major major.
Большая синица: 16/07/2010 –
next to Jolanashka Ranger station and in joint flock with two Azure Tits families,
17/07/2010 – on Akhanaty river on
47. Grey Shrike. Lanius excubitor funereus. Серый сорокопут: 23/07/2010 – a pair on about
48. Eurasian
Magpie. Pica pica bactrianus.
Сорока: 27/07/2010 – two pairs in Lepsinsk.
49. Spotted Nutcracker. Nucifraga caryocatactes
rothschildi. Кедровка: 17/07/2010 – 1
bird in dark coniferous forest next to Jasylkol lake and 21/07/2010 – 1 bird flew
on Suluk ridge a little bit higher dark forest zone above the high honey farm.
50. Carrion Crow. Corvus corone orientalis. Черная ворона: 16/07/2010 – a few in Lepsinsk town, 16 and 25/07/2010 – 8 birds on
Jolanashka Ranger Station, 22/07/2010 – noise on the plateau on Suluk ridge
above Jasylkol lake in juniper brash wood zone on
51. Common
Starling. Sturnus vulgaris
porphyronotus. Скворец: 16/07/2010 – are feeding fledges in the bird-box in Lepsinsk.
52. Common Myna. Acridotheres tristis tristis. Майна: 16 and 25-26/07/2010 – at least 3 birds on Jolanashka Ranger Station,
27/07/2010 – in Lepsinsk.
53. Greenfinch. Chloris chloris turkestanicus. Зеленушка: 27/07/2010 –
fledges in the nest on the fir-tree in Jolanashka Ranger Station yard.
54. Eurasian Siskin. Carduelis spinus. Чиж: 25/07/2010 – once on a fir-tree on
55. European
Goldfinch. Carduelis carduelis
paropanisi. Седоголовый щегол: 16/07/2010 – common singing in Lepsinsk, 2 birds on Jolanashka Ranger
Station, 25/07/2010 – at least one bird was feeding on weeds in joint flock
with about 60 Siberian Stonechats and one Whitethroat, 26-27/07/2010 – a few in
the animal yard of Jolnashka Ranger Station, singing.
56. Common Linnet. Carduelis cannabina fringillirostris. Коноплянка: 25/07/2010 – 1 bird was seen on the Suluk ridge on
57. Common Crossbill. Loxia
curvirostra tianschanica. Клест-еловик: 17-18/07/2010 – are flying above fir-trees in
flocks of 2-3 birds in rainy weather on Jasylkol lake,
58. Common Rosefinch. Carpodacus
erythrinus ferghanansis. Обыкновенная чечевица: 16-27/07/2010 - common in all the vertical
zones, excluding alpine level, singing.
59. Red-mantled
Rosefinch. Carpodacus rhodochlamys. Арчовая чечевица: 23/07/2010 – 1 bird was seen on Suluk ridge