The "Wild Nature" Ecological Society (South Kazakhstan Province) was established in 1995 as an independent noncommercial organization, developing community based tourism in rural areas of the South of Kazakhstan. The society became the first public ecological union in the south of Kazakhstan. Kind of property – private.


The main aims of organization are:


·        Community based tourism development in rural areas of South Kazakhstan Province.

·        Promotion of the international nature protection actions among schoolchildren and the adult people of the area.

·        Support of national traditions of the careful attitude to a nature and assistance to revival of national crafts.

·        Development of additional ecological education in schools of South Kazakhstan.

·        Involving the wide public of South Kazakhstan to the decision making process on environmental problems of the area.

·        Revealing rare species of animals and plants of South Kazakhstan, demanding urgent actions of their rescue.

·        Development of the program of preservation and restoration of endangered species of animals and plants.

·        Realization nature protection actions on preservation of rare and endangered animals and plants.

·        Assistance to the state bodies and the non government organizations to develop the national strategy on preservation and sustainable use of biological resources.


Currently we are doing the follow kinds of activity:


·        Community based tourism network creation in collaboration with foreign experts,

·        Social-ecological analysis of the problem of affairs Especially Protected Areas authorities and local communities (on example of Aksu-Jabagly Nature Reserve and Sayram-Ugam National Park),

·        Expeditions on discovery, survey and conservation of endangered animals in Western Tien Shan and Syrdaria Karatau mountains as well as in Kyzylkum, Mounkum and Betpak Dala deserts,

·        Summer camps for schoolchildren and University students-biologists,

·        Scientific and adventure itineraries providing in mountains and deserts of South Kazakhstan.



CONTACT: Wild Nature" NGO, 14, Taldybulak Street, Jabagly Village, Tulkubas District, South Kazakhstan Area, Republic of Kazakhstan 161310.

Phone/fax: +7 725 38 55 686


Vladimir Shakula –General Director:

Svetlana Baskakova – Executive Director:





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