Georgiy Shakula – the graduate student
of al-Farabi Kazakh State University,
Baskakova – the Wild Nature Non Goverment Organization Director; Jabagly,
Mark Ashcroft – birdwatcher, British Embassy
Shakula – guide, the student of Tulkubas College of Agriculture and Tourism;
Community based ecotourism was run by Wild
Nature NGO (non goverment organization) in Aksu-Jabagly Nature Reserve area in
2003. Since that time the annual number of foreign visitors have
risen from 100 to 700-800 individuals per season. Bird watchers as a target group
of travelling wildlife specialists is becoming more and more ponderable part of
visitors doing the income for the local community. Lying at the foothills
simple Kazakh village with a dramatic mountain backdrop Jabagly offers visitors
private home accommodation. Community based ecotourism seeks to ensure that the
local communities benefit from visitors to the region. The aim is to protect
the environment as well.
Nature Reserve (42o08’-
42 o30’ N 70o18’-70o57’E) is situated at the
western extreme of the Talasky Alatau ridge of the Tien Shan mountains,
territory of the reserve covers a range of habitats including rocky gorges,
birch forest, juniper scrub, high alpine meadows and barren mountain areas and
the range of birds to be seen includes Himalayan Snowcock, Chukar, Grey
Partridge, Golden, Short-toed and Booted Eagles, Long-legged Buzzard, Saker
Falcon, Lammergeier, Himalayan and Eurasian Griffon Vulture, Eurasian Eagle
Owl, Red-billed Chough, Brown Dipper, Isabelline and Southern Grey Shrikes,
Horned Lark, Water Pipit, Pied and Isabelline Wheatears, Brown Accentor,
White-crowned Penduline, Rufous-naped, Yellow-breasted Azure and Turkestan
Tits, Red-mantled Rosefinch and White-winged Grosbeak. Birding can be
interesting around Jabagly village, especially at migration times, when many of
the species are found in the gardens and orchards of Jabagly. For the
experienced walker, tents and camping equipment can be carried into the Reserve
to explore the higher regions. Equipment can also be rented from Wild Nature
Aksu Gorge is one of the the most visiting birding sites in the reserve. The gorge is about
The reserve is one of
the best places in
birds which might be found in and around the Aksu gorge include Black and
Egyptian Vultures, Golden, Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Chukar, Isabelline
Shrike, Mistle Thrush, Pied and Isabelline Wheatears, Water Pipit, Yellow
Breasted Azure Tit, Hume's and Greenish Warblers, Hume's Lesser Whitethroat
(Sylvia (curruca) althea) and Grey Goldfinch. Along the road between Eltai village
and the gorge, Black Kite, Long-Legged Buzzard, White-backed Rock Thrush, Tawny
Pipit, Calandra and Bimaculated Larks and Red-headed Bunting may be seen.
of Jabagly, a track leads into the reserve and roughly follows the course of
the Jabagly-su. Access is either on foot or horseback. The route passes through
varied habitat including juniper and birch woodland and alpine meadow. It is possible
to follow tracks to the south which lead to high
mountain passes where high-altitude species can be found. Birds found at lower
altitudes in this area include Chukar, Grey Partridge, Quail, Golden Eagle,
Brown and White-Bellied Dippers, White-crowned Penduline, Rufous napped,
Yellow-breasted Azure and Turkestan Tits, Red-mantled Rosefinch and
White-winged Grosbeak. At higher altitudes one may encounter Himalayan
Snowcock, Saker Falcon, Lammergeier, Himalayan Griffon, Horned Lark, Water
Pipit, Brown Accentor and Red billed Chough.
A shorter and easier alternative to the previous route is the track leading
directly south of Jabagly. Several of the species found at lower altitudes on
the previous route can also be seen here, although Rufous-naped Tit is not
likely. If based in Jabagly village, with a few hours to spare in the morning
or evening, a walk across the fields to the south east leads top a small valley
where a river can be followed up to the reserve boundary. The fields are good
for larks, pipits and wagtails in spring and amongst the scrubby trees, juniper
and wild rose bushes higher up, Stonechat, White-crowned Penduline Tit and
Yellow-breasted Tit breed.
visiting Aksu-Jabagly Nature Reserve can also easily visit a number of other
sites in the vicinity. In the cultivated fields outside the village, Demoiselle
Cranes may be seen resting, and Read-headed and Corn
Buntings breed amongst the crops. In some years, Stone Thick-knee also breeds
in the area. To the
Ornithological Station (42o31’N 70o38’E),
Birds are trapped for
ringing in enormous Heligoland-type traps approximately
station is in operation 1st September - 30th October. Species regularly trapped
include European Bee-eater, European Nightjar, Redheaded Bunting, Oriental
Turtle Dove, European Roller, Spanish and Indian Sparrows, Barn and Red-rumped
Swallows, Sand Martin, Eurasian Hobby, Rose-coloured Starling, Golden Oriole,
Common and Lesser Whitethroats, Greenish, Hume's, Paddyfield and Blyth's Reed
Warblers and several species of Wagtail. In autumn, the numbers and
concentrations of birds of prey migrating through the pass are high and some of them are trapped and ringed. Shikra,
Lesser Kestrel, Montagu`s Harrier, Common Buzzard, Long-legged Buzzard and
Honey Buzzard are all regular.
of birds observed and trapped in the pass are very dependant on wind speed and
direction. Birds reduce their altitude because of the head wind and fly into
the nets on the slope. The species, sex and age of catched birds are defined in
the field laboratory. Wing length, weight of them are
measured, moulting is described, the ring is putted on and the bird is
released. When things are relatively quiet, there are several opportunities for
day excursions from the station, accompanied by members of the staff as guides.
Although, in the immediate vicinity of the station there is little natural
habitat, there are nevertheless good opportunities for seeing interesting local
resident and summer visiting birds within walking distance. The camp and nets
are set up near an area of woodland which holds White-winged Woodpecker,
Long-eared Owl, Lesser Grey and Long-tailed Shrike and Yellow-breasted Azure
Tit. In addition, even when few birds are passing through the station, the
woods and surrounding bushes and scrubby areas often hold good numbers of
resting migrants. There are also several small pools and lakes in the vicinity
which may or may not hold interesting waterbirds or waders. Day excursions
further afield can be arranged using the four wheel-drive van and might include
nearby Ters-Astchibulak reservoir, south of the road between Chokpak and Taraz,
where waterfowl and sometimes Pallas's Gull may be seen. Little Bustard and
Black-bellied Sandgrouse might be found on the dry steppe nearby. Kyzylkul,
to the reserve and surrounding areas is currently becoming easier due to the
development of community-based ecotourism at Jabagly village by the Wild Nature
NGO. Using accommodation in the